Why you should have your website translated!

Did you know that your would be product consumers visit other translated websites for purchase of products because those websites are using a language that they understand best? It is reported that many internet users, about 58% especially online buyers would love to visit and do shopping from online websites in their own languages which is usually impossible and therefore make purchases from those websites in foreign languages. https://vocabridge.com/en/blog/how-important-is-it-to-translate-my-website

The need to have a translated website

This therefore means that if one gets their website translated into those languages understood best by their targeted audience then it will be of great importance both to the website owner and the targeted audience or website visitors.

It will be of great importance to the website owner because they may have more visitors checking out the services and products on their websites. People speaking a particular language will first of all be curious to check out something in their mother tongue.

In addition to the above, a lot of time will be saved for both parties because the person will right away know whether they are interested in the products or not. One understands their native tongue faster than the other languages they learn along the way.

However, so as not to limit the website to just the speakers of a particular language it is highly advisable to have a various languages option on the website so as to attract all sorts of buyers and service users or providers who prefer different languages. It is estimated that websites in the English language are frequented by people who have it as their second language but can’t access websites in their own languages.

Where are translated websites suitable?

Websites in a single local language work better in countries or regions that are not multi lingual for example, China locals majorly speak Mandarin and therefore it is very okay to have a website in Chinese in such a country. This too goes for countries like Japan where Japanese is spoken and Tanzania where though there are lots of indigenous languages; Kiswahili is spoken and understood by almost everyone there. On the other hand, countries with many local langaues like Uganda should translate their websites in to foreign languages to avoid biasness.

Languages to translate your  website into;

  • English
  • French
  • Arabic
  • Mandarin
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Portuguese
  • Kiswahili
  • Russian
  • German

When considering translation of a website, one should hire a professional translations company to do so because these have well trained and experienced linguists and have the languages in question as their mother tongues.


If you would like to learn more about our translation services, simply get in touch or visit www.globalgatetranslations.com

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